It is a fact that your partner will not tell you directly that he has developed Erectile Dysfunction. So, the thing that is left remains with you. You will have to identify what he has ED, and then you will have to react in a likewise manner so that he can become well soon. Remember one particular thing here – Erectile Dysfunction is not only a sexual disorder; instead, it has very little connection with sexual disorders. Although the output of the disease is that he will not have a proper erection, and hence you will not be able to have a good time at the bed, but the connection here is with his heart and, of course, life. The Significance of ED He might be having diabetes or cholesterol or a high level of sugar to develop this disease. Still, the primary thing is related to the nervous system and blood circulation system of his. Blood circulation becomes feeble, either due to layers of fat or glucose inside the vein or due to low pumping of his heart, which can be due to stress or s...